
Data-driven analysis of research

Being a data-driven organization means using data to make fact-based and proactive decisions. KTH can gain better knowledge of how the organization is meeting its goals, and quickly identify deviations in its operations, thereby allowing it to make adjustments to work more efficiently.

A strong data-driven culture promotes constant questioning and learning by using newfound insights while planning for the future.

Research information

Research information refers to information about KTH’s research and the context in which it is carried out. This can include information about researchers and their organizational affiliation, subject matter, and assignments. Additionally, it may encompass intellectual outputs, such as publications and presentations, as well as information about projects, project members, funding, and collaborative partners.

%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": true},  "themeVariables": {"fontFamily": "figtree", "fontSize": "15px"}} }%%
flowchart LR
  subgraph sources["fas:fa-table Data Sources"]
    direction RL
    subgraph apis["fas:fa-cloud Web APIs / S3"]
        direction RL
        pd["Research Intelligence Providers"]
        externalapis["Other data providers..."]
    subgraph dbs["fas:fa-database Databases"]
        direction RL
        externaldbs["Other sources..."]
  subgraph etl["fas:fa-cubes Curation and ETL"]
    direction RL
    subgraph harvester["fas:fa-robot Harvesting"]
    subgraph qc["fas:fa-flag Quality Checks"]
  subgraph storage["fas:fa-cloud Object Storage (S3/minio)"]
    direction RL
    ds1["fas:fa-book Publications"]
    ds2["fas:fa-user-graduate Researchers"]
    ds3["fas:fa-school Organizations"]
    ds4["fas:fa-project-diagram Projects"]
    ds5["fas:fa-sort-numeric-down Indicators"]
    ds6["... other entities/assets ..."]
  subgraph services["Services"]
    direction RL
    subgraph iapps["fas:fa-sitemap Web Apps"]
    subgraph iapis["fas:fa-server Web APIs"]
    subgraph ireports["fas:fa-chart-line Reports"]
    subgraph itools["fas:fa-toolbox Tools"]

etl <--> storage <--> services
sources --> etl

classDef default fill:#aaa,stroke:#ccc,color:#eee,font-family:figtree;
classDef sand fill:#DEF0FF,stroke:#ccc,stroke-width:1px,color:#111,font-family:figtree,font-size:15px;
class sources,apis,dbs,etl,services,storage sand;

Here is a list of data sources mobilized in the DAUF project: Research Information Data Sources

At KTH, research information includes organizational structure such as department, research group, platform, and center formation. However, research data, underlying work materials and knowledge do not fall under the purview of research information. You can learn more about managing research data on our research data pages.

Data analysis

Data analysis includes the process of collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data in order to draw conclusions. Such analyses enable decision-making, process improvement, and increased value and engagement. Data analysis ranges from basic descriptive analysis that describes what has happened to diagnostic analysis to find causes. The level of complexity and value creation increases in predictive analysis, which is used to understand what will happen, and prescriptive analysis, which describes how we should act. Data analysis provides great opportunities for new insights.

Data Analysis Process

Analysis services

Many of our analyses and services are based on bibliometric data. Bibliometrics is the statistical analysis of publication data and is used as an integrated part of KTH’s quality work. Bibliometric data also provides input to the various rankings performed at the international level and is therefore an important tool for establishing KTH’s global relevance. Learn more about bibliometrics.

Data-driven monitoring and analysis of KTH research (DAUF) is an ongoing collaboration between the library and the IT department. The purpose of the initiative is to facilitate the monitoring and understanding of KTH’s research endeavors. The services presented here are developed in dialogue with the Vice President for Research, heads of departments, and researchers at KTH. We are developing services that help school management, researchers, and support staff to better understand KTH’s research. Consultations

We offer personal consultations, participate in meetings, and conduct workshops and webinars. You can book personal consultations focused on data analysis, bibliometrics, or guidance on our services. Furthermore, we both encourage and make it our goal to answer any inquiries regarding the data sources we use and furnish access to them as necessary. Consultations can be conducted in-person, online, or via email. Kindly send an email to biblioteket@kth.se with your question and we will schedule a suitable time with you.


You are also welcome to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement to us. Two to three times a year, we hold demo meetings where you as a user can see the latest developments and provide input and feedback on our services. If you would like to receive an invitation to one of these session, please send an email to biblioteket@kth.se, and we will include you to the list.